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Iran-Isreal war turn into world war-3 what? Baba Vanga Bhavishyavani 2024

 Iran-Isreal can be turn into World war-3 

World war-3 can be started in the year 2024-25 when the sun raise to  the west. When sun will not visible for 7 days that the starts of World  war-3  

Baba Vanga's prediction can be world war 3 in the world which Russia starts the world war-3 Russia and America war leads the last of the world war,after the war only a few population can be alive in the  world and many diseases  may starts more in the year 2024-25

 Baba vanga's bhavishyavani is 80% accureit in the world as been true  which make the people panic about the world war -3 and future about the 2025-26 are very panic situations in the world as the predicted  by the world war-3                         

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